Friday, July 17, 2009


So any of you mommies out there with some thoughts and help on our current situation would be wonderful!!!

As most of you know, or maybe don't know, we live back at home with my dad and we are all sleeping in the same room - one big happy family! Eden holds down the right side of the room in her big girl bed, Jar and I in the middle of the room lay motionless so we don't wake up the children, and Uriah hangs out in his crib on the right side of the room waking whenever he sees fit.

Yes. My 8 month old, 22lb. man wakes up WAY TOO MUCH.

And it's not like we can just let him "cry it out..." We have Eden in the same room and my dad right above us.

He eats 3 times a day and lots of it.

To his defense, he has been teething since 4 months. He now has 6 and maybe is on the verge of a couple more... I'm not sure.

He was going to bed at 7 and now it's moved back to 7:45 / 8:00. He usually wakes up an hour or so after I put him down then anytime after that. It's usually around midnight, then 2, then 4... Ahhhh!

I know he probably just wants to nurse, or maybe he's in pain... I just don't know how long this can go on.

Please friends send some words of wisdom!!!
